WiFi drivers for Microsoft Windows

One driver for QualcommAtheros AR5007UX and Windows Vista 64bit

In the following list, you will find all available drivers for QualcommAtheros AR5007UX and Windows Vista 64bit. Drivers are sorted by date of release and latest is always up. Keep in mind that the latest driver does not automatically mean the best! If you are not sure about the suitability of the available version, contact your IT specialist. The manufacturer, distributor or this site is not responsible for the use of any driver. All available drivers were obtained from free sources on the Internet.


OS Vista/32, Vista/64, Win7/32, Win7/64, Win8/32, Win8/64, Win8.1/32, Win8.1/64
Release 2008-08-04 [August '08]
Status WHQL
Size 2,67 MB

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Pilotes pour / Drivers para / Controladores para

  • Driver File name vista-
  • Intended for Windows Vista (32bit), Windows Vista (64bit), Windows 7 (32bit), Windows 7 (64bit), Windows 8 (32bit), Windows 8 (64bit), Windows 8.1 (32bit), Windows 8.1 (64bit) and:
More info
  • This driver is primarily intended for Windows Vista, but according to Microsoft, it is also applicable to Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.
    Designed for these wireless cards only:

    Atheros AR5005UG USB 2.0 Wireless Network Adapter, Atheros AR5005UX USB 2.0 Wireless Network Adapter, Atheros AR5007UG Wireless Network Adapter, Atheros AR5007UX Wireless Network Adapter, Atheros USB 2.0 Wireless Network Adapter

    802.11b/g USB Wireless Network Adapter, 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter

    Allied Telesyn AT-WCU201g Wireless USB Adapter

    Arcadyan 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter

    ASUS 802.11b/g USB Wireless Network Adapter, ASUS USB Wireless Network Adapter

    Belkin Wireless G USB Network Adapter

    Generic IEEE802.11g Wireless LAN

    IEEE 802.11 b+g USB Adapter

    I-O DATA WN-G54/USL Wireless LAN Adapter, I-O DATA WN-WAG/USL Wireless LAN Adapter

    Planex GW-US54AGXS, Planex PCI GW-US54GXS, Planex PCI GW-US54GZL, Planex PCI GW-US54Pro

    Philips SNU5600 Wireless USB Adapter 11b/g

    SiteCom Wireless Network USB Adapter 54g WL-603

    SMC SMCWUSB-G 802.11g Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter, SMCWUSB-G 802.11g Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter

    TalkTalk SNU5630NS/05 Wireless USB Adapter

    TRENDnet TEW-429UB 802.11g Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter, TRENDnet TEW-509UB 802.11ag Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter

    USRobotics Wireless USB Adapter

    Verizon Wireless G USB Network Adapter

    XPC 802.11b/g Wireless Kit Driver

    Zoom Wireless-G USB

    ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11 a+b+g Wireless LAN, ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11 b+g Wireless LAN

    ZyXEL AG-220 Wireless USB Adapter, ZyXEL AG-225H 802.11a/b/g Wi-Fi Finder & USB Adapter, ZyXEL AG-225H 802.11a/g Wi-Fi Finder & USB Adapter, ZyXEL AG-225H v2 802.11a/g Wi-Fi Finder & USB Adapter, ZyXEL G-200v2 802.11b/g Wireless USB Adapter, ZyXEL G-202 Wireless USB Adapter, ZyXEL G-220 v2 Wireless USB Adapter, ZyXEL G-220 Wireless USB Adapter, ZyXEL M-202 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter
Download driver from August '08

Latest Windows 7 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads
1030.28.1002.2017 2018-05-24 2014-04-25
1021.3.0912.2012 2012-09-28
6.1372.0413.2010 2010-04-20
62.1182.0331.2010 2010-04-02

Latest Windows 8.1 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads 2016-10-17 2014-07-22
14.69.24019.88 2013-02-25
14.69.17062.87 2013-01-30
1021.3.0912.2012 2012-09-28

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads 2021-08-17 2021-07-06 2021-05-10 2021-04-12 2021-03-18

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